Hydrogen filling station developed at the h2herten On Friday, April 27, 2018, Asahi Kassel Europe has started a demonstration project to produce green hydrogen in the h2herten hydrogen centre of competence in Herten. The projectContinue reading
Author: JL
Contact partners Network and project developer Dr. rer.pol. Dipl.-Ing. Désirée Schulte Mobil: +49 (0) 171 199 22 20 E-Mail: d.schulte(at)h2-netzwerk-ruhr.de g g g g g Communication and public relations Peter Brautmeier Mobil: +49 (0) 151Continue reading
Advisory board
Dr. Arnt Baer, Gelsenwasser AG (chairman) Dr. Esther Stahl, Fraunhofer institute UMSICHT (deputy chairwoman) Daniel Adler, EWG Dr. Rolf Albus, Gas- und Wärme-Institut Essen e.V. Lars Baumgürtel, IHK Nord Westfalen & ZINQ GmbH Prof. Dr. MichaelContinue reading
The executive board
The board conducts the business of the association. Chairman:Dr. Thomas Kattenstein, EE ENERGY ENGINEERS GmbH Deputy chairman: Dr. Frank Obenaus, Emschergenossenschaft Treasurer:Dr. Babette Nieder, WiN Emscher-Lippe (regional bodyContinue reading
Welcome at the h2 network ruhr e.V. The association grew since 2008 from seven members to currently over 40 and combines entrepreneurial, academic and public activities of the region in the field of hydrogen andContinue reading
Hydrogen region Ruhr Established location for energy and future-orientated technologies The metropolitan area Ruhr with its 5.3 million inhabitants is a technological, economical, scientific and cultural centre in the heart of Europe. Companies operating onContinue reading
The energy revolution requires hydrogen. The larger the share of wind and solar energy in the energy mix, the more important the storage of large amounts of energy. Electrolysis converts electric energy into chemically boundContinue reading
A strong network of committed partners. Our 86 members are companies, communities, research institutions, other associations and institutions as well as private persons. Together we design the growth of the hydrogen and fuel cell technologyContinue reading
Educational offers
HyNoon with hydrogen and fuel cell. The h2 network ruhr and the zdi centre MINT.REgio developed an offer for pupils from years 9 to 11. With an introductory presentation and practical experiments the young peopleContinue reading